It does not exist for offline downloading. Still wandering you did not find such kind of list? Because it is not feasible. OK, after packing with the best lossless compression/packer (RAR, 7Z, PPM, LZMA…) you would still need nearly 100 TB of disk space!

Where do you want store it? It is observed this kind of data are packed with lossless compression with 80% efficiency, so 20% still remains. So finally we would need cca 476844830221054 of bytes to save the list! It is nearly 477 TB (terabytes). The other 0,009% would require again 10-times less data space, cca 43000000000 bytes. The other 0,09% would require again 10-times less data space, cca 430000000000 bytes. The other 0,9% would require again 10-times less data space, cca 4300000000000 bytes. Again, lines with ten primes in each line …etc. With the same math and prime number theorem (basically we know the exact number of primes up to 10^25), we can find out what space we need for the 9% amount. One line containing ten of them would have 10x15 bytes for primes themselves + 1x9 bytes for any 1-byte char separator and two additional bytes at the end of the line.

Check out to see if you have found a prime number using our Prime Number Tester, find the factors of a number and print out some of our pre-prepared prime number lists here. The are 26639628671867 such 15 digit primes. Welcome to the Math Salamanders Prime Numbers List page. So we have approximately 90% of 15 digit prime from 10^14 to 10^15. Do not forget the two additional bytes after every 10-th prime, these two additional bytes after after every 10-th prime represents new line or Enter. For data saving we can have ten primes in one line, each prime separated by tabulator (witn hexadecimal values "09") or space (with hexadecimal values "20") or any 1-byte char in general.

You can save them to file each prime on new line, but the new line or Enter is presented by bytes witn hexadecimal values "0D 0A", so there would be two additional bytes after each prime. We actually know the exact number of primes less than 10^15 and the are exactly 29844570422669 primes less than 10^15.Īpproximately 90% of the primes have 15 digits, 9% of them have 14 gidits, 0,9% of them have 13 digits …etc. Basically, prime theorem underestimates number of primes in this area (billions, trillions) in about 3-4%. List of primes less than 10^15? Obviously, you do not know what you really want! According to prime theorem there are 28952965460217 primes less than 10^15.